Montag, 5. Januar 2009

This was my latest fairytale project in 2008, Snowwhite was about 21" and the dwarves about 10"-12", all were posable. They were one of my favourite groups I created and it wasn´t easy to part with them...
Das war mein letztes Märchenprojket in 2008, Schneewitchen war ca. 50cm und die Zwerge so ca.25-30cm, alle waren beweglich. Diese Gruppe gehörte zu meinen absoluten Favouriten die ich je gefertigt habe und es tat richtig weh Abschied von Ihnen zu nehmen.

5 Kommentare:

  1. What a great set.. You can tell by their expressions who's who.. Brilliant

  2. These are amazing! I love Snow White's face, one of my favorite's so far and the dwarfs...oh they are adorable!

  3. Oh Silke! kissing your window! left an award for you on my blog! :-)

  4. These are all so wonderful, each face is so full of character and so warm, even grumpy is adorable !
    julie xx

  5. Me ha encantado blacanieves y los sirte enanitos con ese aire antiguo.
    Precioso blog
